In most metropolises you will find a whole range of different types of eating establishments including
and each of these usually has their own particular type of food. In the case of fast food restaurants and takeaways, this usually involves the owner of the franchise attending a course of that particular brand of food. Because of the particular method of presentation and cooking in fine dining, courses are available that are extremely specialist, and even the most humble chef in such an establishment has at least an eighteen month graduate course behind him.
Prue Leith Chef’s Academy is, without doubt, the establishment that provides the best fine dining course for chefs in the province, if not in the whole of South Africa, and you will frequently fin advertisements for staff stipulating that the applicant must be in possession of a Prue Leith Diploma in order to apply for a position. This catering school is located in Centurion, between Johannesburg and Pretoria, and is easily accessible from the whole of Gauteng. The fine dining course consists of three semesters totalling eighteen months and commences in January and July of each year. The course covers every conceivable facet of the catering trade, and the graduate diploma awarded to successful students at the conclusion of each course is not only much sought after, but is revered in the catering business the world over.