
  • 11 March, 2020

Art inspiring food or food inspiring art?

Gualtiero Marchesi, father of contemporary Italian cuisine, frequently mentioned that he was inspired by other art forms when creating his iconic dishes. The most well-known of these inspirations is perhaps his dish Dripping di pesche that was inspired by the painting technique of American artist Jackson Pollock.

Dripping die pesce, a seafood dish & Jackson Pollock’s famous painting – Mural

Cheese has been described as “art’s greatest muse”, and whilst beautiful heads of cheese have certainly inspired many a still live, it might surprise some to learn that it was also cheese that inspired Salvador Dali’s famous work, The Persistence of Memory.

Cath Pound writes in her BBC article on Cheese and art that Dalí was inspired by ‘a particularly unctuous camembert’ to create the clocks in one of the most recognised images in art history.

Some saw the influence of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in the work but Dalí insisted they were nothing but ‘the tender, extravagant and solitary paranoiac-critical Camembert of time and space.

Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory

Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory – apparently inspired by melting camembert.

Read more about cheese and art
