There are numerous ways of conducting chef recruitment when a vacancy exists, but the employer would typically be in a huge hurry, because this is such a vital, key position which cannot stand vacant. Recruitment methods may include newspaper advertisements in the classified section, asking industry colleagues if they know of anyone, or via internet ads.
You might list the vacancy with a chef recruitment agency in preference to a general consultancy, thinking that you’ve really narrowed down the search, but these are all time consuming methods, especially in a job market where supply of candidates exceeds available opportunities. The exercise may also prove to be costly because of agency fees.
Some catering job vacancy ads do mention that the employer only want to interview graduates from our training academy, which is obviously perfect for any jobs seekers who have studied and qualified through our institution. However, if no such advertisements happen to appear when you are looking for a chef’s job, it may be somewhat more difficult to find something suitable. Classified ads are charged per line or per word, so advertisers tend to be as brief as possible in order to minimise cost.
Trying to evaluate the suitability of the vacancy and the employer is downright difficult, if not impossible. You are aware that your application is likely to be one amongst hundreds and may well fall through the cracks and not be considered. Thus, it’s really a hit and miss thing in many instances.
General online applications also may have a degree of uncertainty attached. Recruitment agencies do great work, but they also receive umpteen applications and resumes. Again, your chance of being noticed and standing out from the rest of the bunch is not guaranteed.
We can help you!
Our Group and training academy’s website features a page where employers are invited to create a free account, submit, relist, view and remove their chefs’ vacancies. This is an ideal way for our graduates to post their resume and be found by prospective employers. Finding one another and making contact will hopefully result in a win-win situation for both parties. We do stress that this free service is exclusively available to our graduates only and that the system does not allow others to use the service.
Due to our comprehensive curriculum, specialised lecturers, campus facilities and high standards of professional training, concluding with students sitting for our own and the City & Guilds examinations, our graduates are always in demand and are able to work locally and internationally.
A career as a qualified chef, who studied at a school with an internationally recognised name and patron is perfect for those who have a passion for food, a love of creative innovation and wanderlust. What better way to see the world, experience diverse cultures, lifestyles and cuisine, all while working, earning a decent living and expanding your resume?
We recommend that aspiring chefs plan their career carefully and enrol at a top school such as our academy, because at the end of the day, chef recruitment or finding a catering job will be so much simpler.