Top amongst South African Cooking Academies

There is much in South Africa today which is on par with or better than that which one may find abroad and this certainly applies to the top culinary school in the country – Prue Leith’s cooking academy.

First Step towards the Top

If you are passionate about food and want to follow your dream of becoming a professional chef, you undoubtedly want to reach the top of your game and excel in your career. However, you realise that you require expert training first; it’s at this point that you begin your search for an appropriate cooking academy.

It is logical that you want to enrol and study at the top culinary institution in order to establish a sound basis on which to build your ideal future career, which means that you need look no further than our leading academy of culinary arts.

What Industry Professionals Say

Many of South Africa’s top chefs and other hospitality industry professionals rate our cooking school as the one which provides the best and most professional culinary training in the country – a reputation of which we are very proud of, but upon which we constantly strive to improve too.

Immediately Employable and Sought After

Recruitment ads for professionally trained chefs often state that only applications from our college’s graduates will be entertained, a sure indication of just how highly our successful students are regarded.

This is invaluable for a newly qualified chef, since it is typically one thing to qualify in one’s chosen field, but entirely another to obtain employment post-graduation. Former students attest to the fact that they were equipped with all the required skills and knowledge, plus ample confidence to commence their jobs without feeling like a fish out of water or less than…

International Opportunities

Since 1997, our chefs not only enjoy success and a sterling reputation in this country, but many of them have also gone on to excel in world-class, famous kitchens abroad, working with world-renowned chefs at eminent restaurants.

Our cooking school is privileged to carry the name of our patron, the internationally celebrated Prue Leith CBE. Prue makes a point of visiting us annually and she is consulted for her opinion on all major decisions. We not only equip our learners with more than the necessary minimum skills, but at her insistence, we include another vitally important module in our curriculum – financial management.

No restaurant is immune to rising costs and financial demands, so it is essential that the executive head of the kitchen – the chef – has the knowledge and skills with which to run a successful and profitable establishment.

Early Advantage

You cannot start right at the top, but you can take the first step in your career with a distinct and early advantage by training at the reputable, top South African cooking academy – our prestigious school of culinary arts.
