Chef Career

Our expert lecturers have trained a large number of aspiring students at our academy who have been continuously sought after in the culinary industry. In fact, one of our proudest accomplishments is the regular ‘Prue Leith graduates only’ job adverts in the classifieds. To prepare our students for the chef career we introduce them to both the theoretical and practical sides of working in a professional kitchen. All of our courses include various five star recipes and expert food techniques as well as modules focussing on service and the financial elements of working in a restaurant.

Our in depth finance module is directly to our students by a professional Chartered Accountant and teaches them the importance of effective stock management, accurate profit percentages and menu costings. As part of the finance module students are also required to team up and put together a business plan, after which many have gone on to successfully implement themselves.

If you would like to find out more about starting a chef career at the Prue Leith Chefs Academy or if you would like to book a table at our restaurant, Prue Leith’s, please do not hesitate to contact us today.
