World Class Cooking Schools

Leading Chefs are Educated at Leading Cooking Schools

In contemporary South Africa, there are numerous types of schools or institutions of learning and education – primary, high or secondary, government and private schools, colleges and academies, and universities (academic and universities of technology, formerly technical colleges or technikons). Each fulfils a vital function and provides its learners with broad or specific knowledge and/or skills. Future IT specialists undertake relevant IT studies. Sales persons take courses to learn the ins and outs of selling and effective managers acquire a management degree or diploma.

Likewise, aspirant chefs further their knowledge of professional food preparation at cooking schools. Very few succeed without first having undergone specialised training at a recognised cooking school. For obvious reasons, the leading culinary schools are preferred.

Functions of Schools

The primary function of any learning institution is to impart knowledge to its learners. Twelve years of initial school-based education provides pupils with reading, writing and mathematical skills. During this time, children acquire a broad knowledge of the world in which they live, how it has come to be as it is and how to live and interact socially with others. Because jobs and career fields have become highly specialised, basic education does not equip one sufficiently to enter the workplace. Further career-focussed study is essential for success.

Life without Education

Education is vital for every person, both from a personal point of view and from a societal perspective. If the population is uneducated, the country’s economy will fail. There would be minimal employment opportunities, and insufficient taxes and funds to support and improve infrastructure. Essential services such as medical care, law enforcement, the provision of potable water and the supply of electricity would be non-existent. Businesses would close their doors; local and international trade would cease.

People would starve without viable agriculture and food production. Without schools and educational facilities, the country would be on a quick descent into chaos. Conversely, the better the schools are, the better the overall standard of education will be. Citizens flourish in a healthy economy, whilst the converse is also true.

Role of a Leading Cooking School

Although food provides the fuel which enables a body to function, modern food preparation and dining involves a lot more than mere basics. It is a sophisticated art and science, designed to appeal to the sensory organs, particularly the eyes, nose and palate.

At Prue Leith Chefs Academy, South Africa’s finest cooking school, training and education are intensive and comprehensive. Courses are not overly long, but long enough to ensure that graduates are equipped with a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of fine food preparation and service, plus the confidence to do so expertly. Training is based on classical French methods, the essential basis for all world-class cooking. Students are also taught how to incorporate other cooking styles, culinary trends and international influences.

Our graduates receive City & Guilds accreditation, which enables them to practise their culinary art anywhere in the world. A number of our former students have gone on to work for such illustrious chefs as Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay. The education and creation of tomorrow’s top chefs is the principle role and mission of our cooking school today.
