Cakes, biscuits & tarts

  • 13 March, 2020

These might require a bit of effort, but nothing says Happy Easter like homemade hot cross buns!


Stage 1: Sponge

365g White bread flour
22g Instant yeast
460ml Milk

Stage 2: Dough

550g White bread flour
3 Eggs
15g Finely grated lemon zest
150g Unsalted butter
30g Honey
5g Molasses
150g Sugar
2g Cinnamon ground
2g Nutmeg ground
2g All spice ground
20g Salt
845g Sponge
275g Currants
100g Candied citrus peel
Egg wash as needed

Stage 3: Topping

60g Butter
60g White sugar
15g Eggs
45ml Milk
2ml Vanilla paste
3g Lemon zest
115g Cake flour

Stage 4: Simple syrup                     

200g White sugar
200ml Water


  1. Pre heat oven to 190°C.
  2. Stage 1: Combine the flour, yeast and milk in a kitchen aid bowl with a dough hook and mix on low speed for 2 minutes. Cover the kitchen aid bowl with cling wrap and allow it to ferment for 30 minutes.
  3. Stage 2: Add the flour, eggs, zest, butter, honey, molasses, sugar, spices and salt to the sponge in the kitchen aid bowl. Mix on low speed for 3-4 minutes and then turn to a high speed and mix for a further 4-5 minutes.
  4. Add the currants and the candied citrus peel and mix on low speed for 1 minute until the dough is smooth.
  5. Grease a large bowl with spray and cook and shape the dough into a boule and place in the bowl. Cover with cling wrap and prove until the dough has doubled in size.
  6. Scale and portion the dough into 60g pieces and shape into boules.
  7. Prove for 15minutes covered and reshape into boules and place into a deep tray, leaving 8cm space between each bun.
  8. Brush the boules with egg wash and prove covered with a clear bin bag for +/-45minutes or until they have almost doubled in size.
  9. Stage 3: Whilst the dough is proving, combine the butter, sugar eggs, milk vanilla and zest in a kitchen aid bowl with a paddle attachment and mix well, scraping the sides occasionally. Add the flour and mix well. Place in a piping bag with a size 8 round nozzle. Set aside at room temperature until needed.
  10. Brush the boules with egg wash again and pipe a cross with the topping on each bun.
  11. Stage 4: Make a simple syrup by combining the sugar and water in a small saucepan and boil for 5 minutes or until it is syrupy in consistency.
  12. Bake the buns until golden brown, +/- 20-30 minutes.
  13. Heat the syrup and brush the warm buns to give them a glossy finish. Cool on cooling racks.

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