Cakes, biscuits & tarts

  • 31 January, 2025

Whether you come for a meeting, a short course, an open day or a conference at Prue Leith Cilunairy Institute we always serve the most delicious cookies with tea and coffee, and this almond cookie is officially the most requested recipe.  And they are so easy to make! 


300g Ground almonds
200g Granulated sugar
1 Lime, zest
1/4tsp Almond Extract or 15gram marzipan
3 Egg whites
5ml Vanilla paste
50g Icing sugar
60g Whole almonds 


  • Combine all the ingredients, except the whole almonds and the icing sugar, in a stand mixer bowl, connect a paddle attachment and mix it at medium speed until a dough is formed.
  • Place the cookie dough in the fridge to rest for 10 minutes.
  • Once the dough has rested, shape it into 10g balls.
  • Roll the 10g balls in icing sugar and place on a tray lined with parchment paper.
  • Once all the dough balls have been coated in icing sugar, stick 1 whole almond in the centre of each ball.
  • Bake at 165℃ for 15-18 minutes.
  • Allow to cool and store in airtight containers. 

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